
Prebiotic foods to increase your good bacteria

by in News 1 August 2023

Prebiotics are the substrate or ‘food’ that gut bacteria like to feed on thereby enhancing gut health via the proliferation of our gut microbiota. Below are some of the most well-known prebiotic foods. Chicory Root: Chicory root contains a potent prebiotic fibre called inulin. Inulin passes through the upper gastrointestinal tract undigested and reaches the […]

Dairy intolerances on the rise

by in News 20 March 2019 Dairy intolerance is the most common food intolerance I see with my patients.  In fact, I see it on a whooping 80% of food intolerance testing!!! I do not like to remove anything permanently from a patient’s diet but if there are suspicions that certain foods are causing havoc in a patient’s gut, then […]

Is SIBO the cause of your Irritable bowel?

by in News 18 March 2019

WHAT IS SIBO? Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is otherwise known as SIBO and may be an underlying factor in many people suffering from irritable bowel symptoms. This condition is characterised by an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine which can interfere with the healthy structure and function of the small intestine. The large colon […]


by in News 26 January 2016

Ok. I am guilty at reading an American statistic but let’s face it, that is a large number of antibiotic- related emergencies. Also, how about those that may slip past and go unreported? The Centre of Disease Control (CDC) in America is notoriously inefficient on studying and  reporting  antibiotic and drug-related side effects (including vaccine side […]


by in News 1 December 2015

YOUR WEIGHT AND THE ADRENAL/THYROID CONNECTION You are convinced that your thyroid isn’t working as well as it should.Your weight isn’t shifting despite watching your carb intake and going to the gym. Your paunchy middle seems to be getting worse and you feel tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and flat. Dr Google sums it all up perfectly […]


by in News 9 November 2015

Probiotics. Everyone knows that they help with good bacteria in the gut right? Most people I speak to currently are or have been on probiotics at one stage on their health journey. But how much of the good bacteria that we consume actually stick around and make our intestines their home? Probiotics are undoubtedly beneficial […]

What is happening to our kids??

by in News 26 October 2015

    Autism is a serious behavioral disorder among young children that has skyrocketed over tha last few years. According to records, in some developed countries it has increased 1000% in the last 20 years. Each autistic child costs taxpayers about $2 million per child as lifetime care costs are easily five times higher. Not to mention the extreme burden of care […]

fat= disease

by in News 1 October 2015

Anyone seen the Jamie Oliver’s Sugar Rush debate? Scary how so much hidden sugar is in our foods. Four grams of sugar equals a teaspoon of sugar. The average person is unwittingly consuming more than 30 teaspoons of sugar a day cleverly disguised in cereal, drinks, yoghurts, pre-packaged sauces and so forth. What a lot […]
